Up for sale Safe Life Defense 2XL- Vest III-A+ - Lvl 1 Stab and Spike up to 36
Joules of Force of Kevlar Soft Armor. Buyer must be 18 years of age to purchase
body armor. Buyer must no be a Felon. Buyer Understands Body Armor is not
Bullet Proof-it is only Bullet Resistant. Buyer agrees to use Body Armor at
their own Risk and agrees to Indemnify and hold Harmless to Seller. (U.S. sales
only), front and back protect. No sales to Connecticut. Rated for up to .44
Magnum 240gr or lessor threats, with velocities up to 1430 FPS, and 5.7X28 40
gr.. only 7 lbs. Made on 08-20-18 never worn.