Blackhawk close quarter concealment CF M3TacLight. #411100CBK.
We do not ship internationally.
Return policy....All antique and collectible items are sold "As Is"; and
returns will not be accepted on those items sold as antique due to the fragile
nature of these items. If you, the buyer, have a concern about an antique
item, contact us directly. We have marketed historical antiques since 1972 and
attempt to describe them correctly. But, as collectors, each of us see things
differently at times. We will attempt to work out any differences of opinion
with you direct.
Items sold in the package as new or modern items are subject to the following
return policy. These are acceptable for returns if the method stated below is
Returns require notification to us by the buyer before shipping. Buyer is
responsible for shipping and returning the product to us in good order
accompanied by the original packaging. Seller will determine that the item is
the original item shipped to the buyer and if antique, not injured or altered
in any manner other than damage that occurred during shipping to the buyer. We
are not responsible for product misuse. A 20% restocking fee is required for
all returns except for those damaged in transit from the seller to the
buyer. In the case of returns damaged in shipment, the item must be returned
in its original shipping container at the buyer's expense until the claim is
settled by the freight agent.